Kenneth A. Megill, Ph.D., MSLS,  BA (Honors), CRM, CA

Thinking for a Living. The Coming Age of Knowledge Work.  Second Edition.  Berlin: K.G. Saur/deGruyer 2013.

Korporativna Memorija.  Upravljanje dokumentima i informacijama u doba znaja, Kenet A. Megil.  Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije 2007.

Corporate Memory: Records and Information Management in the Knowledge Age, 2nd Edition. Munich: K.G. Saur/Thomson 2005.

Thinking for a Living:  The Coming Age of Knowledge Work.  Munich:  K.G. Saur/Thomson 2004.

Document Management: New Technologies for the Information Services Manager.  London, Bowker Saur (Reed Elsevier) 1998.  (With Herbert F. Schantz).  

The Corporate Memory: Information Management in the Electronic Age.  London, Bowker Saur (Reed-Elsivar) 1997, 1st Edition.

Making the Information Revolution.  A Handbook on Federal Information Resources Management.  Silver Spring, Maryland.  Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) 1995.  (With Rose Cummins, Thomas Horan, Sarah Kadec, Marilyn McLennan, Michael McReynolds, Robert Woods.)

The New Democratic Theory.  New York, Free Press (Macmillan), 1970.